Sabrina Conte

Sabrina Conte

Sabrina loves being on the air in her hometown! Born and raised in the DMV, Sabrina grew up in Clinton and went to Bishop Ireton High School in...Full Bio


Here Are the Top Baby Names of The Year

The results are in, and it looks like Emma is finally number 2 on the top baby names list, moved out of the way by Olivia. That's my nieces name! (and my neighbor's name, and a friend of Eleanor's name as well) It is a beautiful and very popular name. I thought my daughter's name wouldn't be very popular back in 2014 when I named her, now there are three other Eleanor's in her First grade class alone, and I can also name a handful off the top of my head. If you're an expecting parent my advice to you would be to just pick a name you love, and have one or two on deck in case you change your mind after seeing your baby.

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