Irish Soda Bread has always been a favorite of mine, but my first grade teacher made the best! Since my mom worked at my elementary school she was obviously friends with some of the teachers, but her closest friend was Mrs. Finnerin who made incredible Irish Soda Bread every year to bring into the teacher's lounge on St. Patrick's Day. I knew every year there would be a piece saved for me to enjoy after school since both my mom, and Mrs. Finnerin knew I loved it. I can't say I've ever been one to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. As the daughter of two Italian immigrants we don't have any Irish in our blood, but my daughter Eleanor is at the age (six) where she wants to celebrate and learn about every holiday there is, so we whipped up a loaf of Mrs. Finnerin's famous Irish Soda Bread this morning. The recipe is simple and she shared it in the a teacher's recipe swap/cook book years ago so, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I shared it with you.
The fresh loaf Eleanor and I made this morning.
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