Women Are Sleeping Worse Than Men!

It’s no secret that most people don’t get the recommended amount of sleep each night, but it turns out women are having more trouble getting shut eye than the rest of us.

A survey by the Better Sleep Council finds that women represent 57% of poor sleepers in America, with 80% of female students and 71% of mothers with children under 18 saying they don’t get a good night’s sleep.

As for other statistics about bad sleepers, the survey finds:

  • 72% are concerned about their financial futures
  • 56% are living paycheck to paycheck
  • 44% feel under pressure at work
  • 22% have income under $25,000
  • 16% have a difficult relationship with a spouse or partner 

And it seems relationships can also have a big effect on sleep. Those who have great relationships make up 88% of great sleepers, while only 9% of those in difficult relationships say the same. 

Source:Yahoo Finance

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