Why 11/11 is the most Magical Day of 2019

The spiritual significance of Nov. 11 is tied into both numerology and astrology. In numerology, the number 11 is considered a "master number," of which there are only three: 11, 22, and 33.

"1111 is a master number linking us with the Ascended Masters and Spiritual Guides assigned to us to guide our spiritual and physical lives, helping us to evolve and become masters of our own lives," explains Michael Cardenas, head witch at Olde Ways, who spoke with Bustle about this date.

Bustle spoke with witch and astrologer Renée Watt, who expanded on this. "The concept of making a wish when we see 11:11 on the clock is based off the idea that the universe is listening to your thoughts when this number appears," she explains. "In numerology, the number 11 is commonly referred to as a 'master manifestor' because of its luck and instant karma."

In numerology, the number 1 is about achievement, about focus, about being number 1, about winning and getting it done. And so 11/11, with all of those 1's in succession, shows that the energy of the universe is conspiring to help you achieve. It pretty much amplifies whatever it is you want to do, giving you a turbocharge to get it done."

As noted above, the approaching full moon, the magic of the rare Mercury transit, and the numerological mystic power of 11/11 is making this a great day for spell work, manifesting abundance, and inviting the energy you want into your life. It's a good day to sit and visualize that life, write your goals down, and draw up business plans. Career energy is really booming with 11/11, so think about your life purpose, your relationship to money, and the various forms of abundance that you're calling in.

Enjoy today!

Source: Bustle

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