Parents Are Creating Unique Baby Names for Social Media

The new generation of parents are opting out of classic naming strategies when it comes to their children, because they have more important things in mind like their kids' social media account.

Apparently these parents believe they are helping their kids by selecting a rarer name. The survey conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by ChannelMum, noted that 72% of all respondents believe a unique name will help their child stand out from the crowd. Another one in 50 chose a made up name for their baby with social media in mind. A more unique name means their child’s social media account will be that much easier for potential followers to find.

Even if they themselves aren’t willing to choose such a name, a staggering 94% of respondents admitted that made up baby names are very much “in” these days.

When deciding on a completely new name for their child, many parents are opting for a gender-neutral approach. In all, 33% of parents said they decided on a name that wasn’t clearly male or female. Another popular strategy is taking two names that both parents like, and combining them into one hybrid name (10%). Another 9% tried to combine the names of older relatives as a way to honor family. And of course, some parents are inspired by pop culture.

Top 5 New Age Boys’ Names:

  1. Jaspin
  2. Charleston
  3. Brigham
  4. Ranger
  5. Wrenlow

Top 5 New Age Girls’ Names:

  1. Maevery
  2. Faelina
  3. Idalia
  4. Evabeth
  5. Tessadora

Photo: Getty Images

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