A group of Marines in Washington, D.C. helped save a woman’s life by lifting a car she was trapped underneath. She was riding a scooter when she was hit by a car and she was pinned underneath. Video of the incident shows the dramatic rescue unfold and the Marines rushing to help.
Several Marines rushed to the car’s trunk and got a jack, while another Marine got a jack from a civilian’s trunk. Together they used the jacks to lift the car up off the woman. By the time EMTs arrived, they were able to pull her out to get her to the hospital. Firefighter Leo Ruiz says “their actions were integral” to rescuing her.
“The immediate feeling was just relief,” says Corporal Denny Bohne. “Once I informed the guys, they all just felt the exact same -- absolutely relieved that she made it out okay and we were just happy to get the good news.”
Source:Fox News
Photo: Getty Images