Top Things People Want in the Home of the Future

Flying cars and teleportation tunnels aside...what do you think should be in the home of the future? A study found the top 20 things people would add.

Top 20 things people want in the home of the future:

1. Windows that tint automatically in the sunshine

2. A heating system that adjusts automatically depending on how you use the room and if you are in it

3. Walls/doors which can block out the sound from the rest of the house when needed

4. A heating system that recognizes your body temperature and changes room temperatures accordingly

5. Lights that adjust automatically depending on the time of day

6. Fingerprint scanning door locks

7. Garages that charge your electric car just by parking on a giant pad

8. An oven that allows different shelves to be different temperatures at one time

9. Heating that recognizes when you leave the property and turns off automatically

10. A heating system that sends you reports on how energy efficient you are being and offers tips on what you can do to reduce bills

11. Blinds or curtains which shut when it’s dark and open when it’s light

12. Smart meter that monitors and alerts you and gives you tips on energy usage

13. Blinds that close as soon as the sun starts to set and open at sunrise

14. A fridge or store cupboard which automatically re-orders your regular shopping items for you

15. TVs that recognize who is watching and shows the right programs

16. A coffee machine that has a drink ready as soon as the alarm goes off

17. Home cloud to store data on all appliances and their status i.e. are they working or in need of a service

18. Front door that automatically sends you a message when your child(ren) get home from school

19. Shower heads with in-built Bluetooth to allow phone calls while washing

20. A hologram to remind you to do tasks


Photo: Getty Images

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