MYM: DC Man Starts Puzzle Business From His Home

Goins’s Puzzle Huddle, launched in 2018, was born out of Matthew Goins' frustration.

When his three children were old enough to start doing puzzles, Goins says he and his wife were disappointed by the lack of representation in existing children’s puzzles. No matter how hard he looked, he couldn’t find puzzles with images of children whose skin tone, hair texture, and eye color matched his family’s.

So, Goins set about making his own puzzles for his kids, printing out images he’d found online of scientists and doctors and other professionals and spray-gluing them to cardboard, which he then cut into puzzle-sized pieces.

Goins says he didn’t know anything about the toy industry, and puzzle manufacturers in particular, so he simply began studying — ultimately discovering a gift card company that was printing postcard-sized puzzles as invitations for events like weddings and baby showers. He hired the company to print a small run of 4” x 6” puzzles, built a website, and announced his new venture on Facebook. “‘Hey, surprise, I sell puzzles now!” he says he posted.

By 2021, Puzzle Huddle had tripled in size, and was now he is selling puzzles in official boxes!

We had the chance to talk to Goines this morning about his puzzle journey! We share a feel-good story for our segment Make Your Monday every Monday at 7:40!

Source: Yahoo

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