Don’t Want Botox? Try Face Yoga

More power to you if you’re keeping up on your Botox injections. But if you’re interested in a more natural and less expensive approach to looking youthful, “face yoga” might sound appealing to you.

Face yoga is described by “The Healthy” as “a series of facial movements and massage techniques designed to work the muscles beneath the skin of the face.” It’s like stretching and exercise for your face that some claim can help your skin appear smoother and firmer. But does it actually work? Here’s what the experts say:

  • Dr. Snehal Amin, co-founder of MDCS Dermatology in New York explains that “In theory, better muscle tone of the cheeks could mean less sagging.”
  • Face yoga isn’t a “miracle cure” but plastic surgeon Dr. Alexis Parcells does believe there are some benefits including
    • reduced chronic headaches
    • increased lymphatic drainage in the face and neck
    • reduced tension, and stress
    • mental benefits when accompanied by deep breathing and positive affirmations
  • Dr. Amin explains that exaggerating and repeating movements in your face can actually cause wrinkles. “In general, the more you use a muscle, the larger it gets. Some people like a slimmer appearance to the jawline… overusing the masseter muscle in the jaw can actually make it look bigger or bulkier.”

The bottom line? There’s not enough research to prove face yoga is effective. “The effect, good or bad, is likely fairly small,” says Dr. Parcells.

Source: The Healthy

Photo: Getty Images

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