We have a love-hate relationship with the group chat. It can be a wealth of information at times, but when you get a bunch of people together in a text chain, they start to show their true colors. A TikTok mom Amy Jo Simpson is cracking people up with her video about the various types of moms you deal with in the group chat. It’s so relatable, you know the moms she’s talking about and have probably been one or two of them yourself.
In Amy Jo’s clip, she calls out these moms you see in the group chat:
- “The stressed out mom” - This mom freaks out because she didn’t know today was “dress as your favorite book character day” until her kid told her over breakfast. And who hasn’t been there?
- The mom who “has five kids, an important job and pretends to hold it all together” - While this mama seems to have everything under control and certainly looks put together, we all know she’s forgotten one of those dress-up days before, too.
- The one “who knows every single school date for the entire year” - The calendar on her phone is more organized than we could ever hope to be and she’s the best one to text on Sunday to find out what’s going on in the coming week.
- The loveable mom “who has no idea what’s going on” - She may be clueless, but her kids are cute and well-behaved and we have all been this mom at some point.
- The one who “constantly asks if anyone has come home with her son’s uniform” - This mom tries to stay organized, but her kids? Maybe not so much, so she’s always following up to try to track down their missing shoes, swim goggles and soccer jerseys.
- The mom “who never reads the newsletter” - And why should she when she relies on the group to inform her about what’s going on. She’s the opposite of the calendar mom and no one in the group chat is surprised when she doesn’t know about upcoming events at school.
- The one “who sends emojis” - Who needs words when emojis can convey what you’re thinking and feeling? Not this mom, who’s quick to respond with a smiley or frowny face.
- The “mom who likes to cause drama” - This is one parent we could do without. She’ll stir up drama by starting a separate side group with a few moms to spill the tea on the rest of us.
- The “head of the PTA” - You can’t hide from the mom who organizes “all things school and social.” She’s going to rope you into volunteering or selling something, so don’t fight it.
- The “silent one” - This mom seems to just be observing, but to be fair, with all these other moms in the mix, it may be easier to just stay out of the way.
Source: Cafe Mom
Photo: Getty Images