7 Strategies To Make Friends As An Adult

Do you struggle to make friends as a grown-up? It’s not just you, it’s tough for everyone. According to a 2021 survey, close friendships have declined over time and 49% of Americans have three close friends at most. Sure, you have situational friends, like those you see at work or the gym, but that’s not enough.

The thing is, people are social creatures that need human connection to be happy. Beyond just having someone to have lunch with or vent to, friendships come with real health benefits. Friends promote better overall physical health, help us feel less lonely, boost our self esteem and even help us cope with stress.

So it’s worth putting the effort in to meet new people and while it won’t be easy, these techniques can help you make friends as an adult.

  • Make sure you know what you want - Think about what you want in a friendship and how much time and effort you’re willing to put into finding and maintaining it.
  • Put yourself out there - This means pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone and your community is a great place to start. Go to events at your local brewery or cat cafe and try to connect with like-minded people. Push yourself to be social by not just going to the events, but introducing yourself to people - who are your potential new friends.
  • Try online groups - Check out online shared interest groups, where you can meet new people who like the same things you do, and you can do it all from the comfort of home.
  • Throw a party - If the idea of this makes you cringe, we get it, but it doesn’t have to be awkward. Invite the friends you already have and ask them to bring one new person with them. That way, you can meet folks that have already been vetted by your pals.
  • Get on the apps - But in a friend way. There are apps, similar to dating apps, that are just for meeting and becoming friends with people. Popular ones include Bumble BFF, WINK, Nextdoor and Meetup.
  • Start volunteering or join a club - And when you do, introduce yourself and form a continued line of communication with them. Follow them on social media and make plans to meet up at the next event.
  • Stay with it - Making friends as an adult is a process, so expect peaks and valleys along the way. Try not to get frustrated and take comfort in knowing that you’re definitely not the only one out there who wants to form new friendships.

Source: CNet

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