The Best Times To Shop At Trader Joe’s

Trader Joe’s has developed something of a cult-like following, thanks to fans of their international options, viral-worthy food items, and budget-friendly prices. If you’ve been there, you know the hype is well-deserved, but it’s also led to one of the biggest downsides about shopping at TJs - the crowds.

The parking lots can be so packed, it’s impossible to find a spot and once you get inside, there can be lines wrapped around the small store to get in and to check out. But even worse? All those people may have emptied the shelves of the beloved items you came in to buy.

To help avoid all that, these are the best times to shop at Trader Joe’s:

  • Early morning is a safe bet - The first hour the store is open it’s typically pretty empty. You can freely roam the aisles and find everything stocked on shelves, so you can get what you came for and more. Most TJ’s open at 8a.m., so plan accordingly.
  • Right before closing is good, too - Not everyone is a morning person, so if you can’t get there first thing, try going just before they close, which is usually 9p.m.
  • Go during the middle of the week - A Trader Joe’s employee shares that mid-week, specifically Wednesday, is an ideal shopping time because the stores are usually empty those mornings.
  • Weekends are the worst - Shoppers and TJ’s staff members agree that Saturday and Sunday are the most crowded days, so you’ll probably want to avoid shopping then.
  • Where you live makes a difference - Sundays may be the busiest time at TJs in New York City, but one shopper who lives in a “religious area” shares that it’s the prime time to go to their Trader Joe’s because most folks are at church.
  • Let Google Maps help you - Before you go, check Google Maps, which will give you a real time update on how busy the store near you is at the moment. Search for your local TJ’s, click maps, and scroll down to find the “popular times feature.” You can check the live status or check daily/hourly averages if you’re planning to shop later.

Source: Eat This, Not That

Photo: Getty Images

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