Scientists Are Trying To Figure Out The Perfect Way To Eat Oreos

Oreos are an American institution when it comes to snack food and they have been on store shelves for over one hundred years. With the white creme filling between two cookies the dilemma has always been to find the best technique for eating them in the most efficient way to evenly distribute the creme. As it turns out, some serious research is being done by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to find the perfect way to eat them, according to The Wall Street Journal. 

Believe it or not, Oreology is a field that strives to deal with the physics of a perfectly split cookie as many people already split them in half as their preferred method. MIT engineers have used a rhemometer to see how much force it takes to twist and bisect the cookie to achieve a 50:50 balance of equal creme on each cookie. They did over one thousand tests and the final conclusion is that there is no perfect way to make this happen. 

The head of the study is Crystal Owens, an MIT PhD candidate and she says “There’s no secret. You can’t do it wrong because there’s no way to do it right.” So there you have it – there’s no right or wrong way to eat Oreos and science has proven it!

Source: mashed

Photo: Getty Images

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