Basically, there’s a lot people still get wrong about marriage and a lot of myths out there you shouldn’t be listening to. These seven thoughts about marriage have become so true, even though they’re complete myths.
- Marriage fixes everything (and anything). It’s not the magical solution to all other life problems.
- Married people have less sex than single people. There’s times you may be having less sex but overall, marriage is a gateway to more sex, not less.
- Married people are less lonely. It can also be sadder when you’re lonely in a marriage than when you’re single and lonely.
- Marriage makes you happy. If you’re not a happy person not married, you probably won’t magically turn into a happy person married.
- Marriage is a finish line. You can’t stop putting the effort in just because you’re now married. It’s even more important now.
- “I’ve had my fun. Now I’m ready to settle down.” This mindset makes marriage seem like a sacrifice.
- Marriage is work. It doesn’t take work, it takes attention, and a lot of it.
Source: YourTango