Meaningful Ways To Celebrate The Planet

Tomorrow (April 22nd) is Earth Day, which is the holiday that marks the anniversary of the start of the modern environmental movement. The first Earth Day was back in 1970 and it’s still a day to show support for protecting the environment. These are some of the most meaningful ways you can celebrate with our planet in mind.

  • Get outside - Get off social media, put down your phone and start your Earth Day celebration by spending some time outdoors, breathing in fresh air and soaking up some vitamin D. Get some movement in while you’re at it and even hug a tree if you’re feeling it.
  • Eat plants - No one’s saying you have to become a vegan, but just skipping meat for Earth Day is better for both you and the planet. The UN estimates that livestock makes up 14.5% of all human-generated greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Don’t buy anything - Most of us buy too much stuff and a lot of it is stuff we want, but don’t really need and these items end up in a landfill when we decide we’re done with them. So for this one day, try to not purchase anything and if you must, shop at a secondhand store.
  • Donate some of your stuff - Check your closet and make Earth Day the day you decide to donate the jacket you haven’t worn in three years or the boots that don’t really fit. Let them go to someone else who can actually use them and won’t have to buy them new.
  • Skip the shower - This one may be the most challenging for many of us, but the thing is, the Average American shower lasts for eight minutes and uses 16 gallons of water. According to EPA estimates, the U.S. uses over 1-trillion gallons of water just on staying clean. So if there’s any day to not shower, let it be Earth Day, and think of all that water you’re saving.

Source: Outside Magazine

Photo: Getty Images

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