4 Ways To Actually Come Home Refreshed After Vacation

Thanks to remote working, many of us can pack up our laptops and work from just about anywhere with an Internet connection. While that can be a blessing, it also means that it’s tougher for some people to unplug, as they feel like they should be working from anywhere, even when they’re on vacation. That can take away from the fun of your trip, as well as lead to burnout, and when you get home from your getaway, you’re far from relaxed and refreshed.

So how do you actually unplug and switch off, to make the most of your time off? Here’s what travel experts recommend:

  • Practice unwinding before you leave - Spend time relaxing before the trip begins with meditation or yoga, even if it’s just a few minutes a day, it will help your brain unwind. And the more you do it now, the easier it will be to switch off into relaxation mode when you’re on vacay.
  • Turn off your devices - If you can’t help but sneak a peek into your work email when you’re out of the office, try turning your devices off completely to avoid temptation. If you need your phone on for the camera, to pay for things and anything else, at least turn off notifications on work email and other work-related apps, so you’re not checking it with every ping.
  • Schedule time to do nothing - Some of us like to try to cram as much as we can into our vacations so we don’t “waste” any time, but all that rushing can leave you feeling like you need another vacation to recover if you overdo it. So book some time for actual rest and spend it reading, napping or just enjoying the view.
  • Plan in advance - Take care of all the loose ends you can before you take off, as that can help ease your anxiety while you’re away. Trust that your team and coworkers can take care of anything unexpected that comes up and remind yourself that you deserve this time off so you can come back relaxed and ready to work.

Source: Metro

Photo: Getty Images

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