The Chhieu family is preparing this week for a unique graduation ceremony at the University of Arizona, as three family members will be graduating together. Brothers Harry and Anthony Chhieu had already enrolled at the university when their 57-year-old mother, Carol Kay, decided to join them. Harry says the experience is "indescribable" and praised his mother for pushing them to better themselves.
Carol, originally from Cambodia, came to the United States at 15 without knowing any English. She had attended high school but couldn't continue her education because she had to work to support her family. She later went on to become a preschool teacher and says that experience inspired her to go back to school and pursue a degree in education.
This week, each Chhieu family member will receive a different degree. Carol will be reaching her goal of earning an education degree. Her son Anthony says her journey is the embodiment of the saying "it's never too late to go back to school." Carol says joining her sons at college was never part of her plan, but she’s excited about the path life has taken her on and hopes to become a teacher after she graduates.
Source: KOLD
Photo: Getty Images