New Mom Graduates 24 Hours After Giving Birth

Delivering a baby can take a lot out of you, but one North Carolina woman didn’t let it stop her from getting her doctorate at graduation a day after giving birth. Abby Bailiff was due with her first baby on April 27th, but as days passed, she realized that her son’s arrival could interfere with her upcoming graduation ceremony from the University of North Carolina Greensboro School of Nursing, which was May 4th.

Bailiff ended up getting induced on May 2nd because doctors were concerned about her baby’s lung development. She ended up delivering her son, Bodie, on May 3rd at 3:08p.m. and she says his birth was smooth and had no complications. After they spent one night in the hospital, they were discharged on May 4th and the new mom was still unsure whether she should try to make it to graduation that afternoon.

“I didn't want to be, like, a bad mom and just up and leave him right when I got home," Bailiff explains. "But around 1:30, I was like, 'I think I should really do this.'” So her mom and sister helped her get ready and less than two hours later, Bailiff was waking into her graduation ceremony. Her husband stayed home with Bodie and watched on FaceTime as she received her doctorate degree in nursing.

  • "Once I got there and I walked in, I was like, I'm so glad I came," Bailiff recalls. "It was an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment. I can't even describe the feeling I felt. I was just overjoyed."

Source: Good Morning America

Photo: Getty Images

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