Meet Dekari Holland, an extraordinary eight-year-old author from Maryland who has already written an impressive collection of books. From exploring the art of counting money to delving into the significance of American history through statues, Dekari has covered a range of captivating topics.
"I've written five books so far, but my sixth book is coming out soon," shares Dekari eagerly. Currently attending Andrew Jackson Academy in Prince George's County, Maryland, this young writer is all set to release another masterpiece this month. Titled "Dekari in Space," his upcoming book is a product of his boundless curiosity about what lies beyond our planet. Dekari wonders what the vast unknown looks and feels like, which inspired him to put his thoughts into words.
Dekari's journey as an author began with his book "Practice Makes Perfect," where he emphasized the importance of honing skills. It was his father who motivated him to write on subjects he wished to improve in his own life. The support and encouragement from his dad laid the foundation for his literary success.
All six of his books are available on Breezework Publishing, a family-run website that showcases the works of his father and cousin as well.
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