If you’ve ever been complimented by a stranger, you know how well it probably changed your day for the better. A few kind words can have quite a big impact, especially when it’s from someone you don’t know. It’s almost like it’s even more validating.
Compliments can make a ripple effect of good vibes for the rest of your day. Pass it on! Go and compliment a stranger. Not only are you making someone else’s day, you’re doing something good for your own well-being, too. Here are six reasons why complimenting strangers is good for you.
- Giving compliments makes us grateful. Feeling grateful doesn’t come naturally, so by complimenting someone else, you’re being proactive about finding the good around you.
- Complimenting others makes us happy. It’ll brighten their day and that will brighten yours, too.
- Complimenting others increases our own self-confidence. You’re recognizing positive qualities in someone else and being genuine about it, which shows you’re comfortable in your own skin.
- Complimenting others makes us more resilient. Complimenting strangers helps you develop a positive worldview, which builds resiliency.
- Complimenting others improves our relationship skills. We’re very comfortable with the friends we already have and don’t talk to strangers as much as people once did. Compliments are great convo starters.
- Complimenting others creates a positive ripple effect. Kindness is contagious. Complimenting a stranger will give a ripple effect on their end and on yours, too.
Source: Glam
Photo: Getty Images