Dating has changed, we all know that. With that, dating terminology has changed, too. If you’ve been out of the dating game for a while you may be confused when you hear some new slang. To make things just a bit easier as you’re on your dating journey, here are the dating terms you should know in 2023, and what they really mean.
- Zombieing: Instead of just having a ghost that leaves you alone, you have a Zombie that’s come back again.
- Benching: Yes, think like sports, because dating’s a sport. This has become the term used when someone wants to have someone “on the bench” to have fun with, but doesn’t want to commit to them.
- Breadcrumbing: Think Hansel & Gretel. This is when your crush gives you little, but just enough attention to keep your hopes up.
- Cookie-jarring. When the person you’re seeing has been seeing other people behind your back.
- Groundhogging: When you go for the same type of wrong person over and over, thinking you’ll get different results. You won’t.
- Fizzling: When someone becomes unresponsive and less engaged; it’s a gradual decrease instead of a hard-core stop.
- Pocketing: You’re seeing someone, but they won’t introduce you to their family or friends.
- Love bombing: You’re basically bombarding the person you’re with with love. Think grand gestures and huge gifts.
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Source: Grazia
Photo: Getty Images