If you’ve always wanted to look like a real-life Barbie doll, one plastic surgeon on Long Island claims he can do it, but it’s going to cost you. Dr. Scott Blyer is offering a special “Malibu” package that he says will turn patients into the iconic doll and it comes with a $120-thousand price tag.
“You walk out looking as close to Barbie as we could possibly do it,” Blyer says. “There’s some assembly required.” His “Malibu” package includes:
- Your choice from one of three body surgeries - breast lift with implants, tummy tuck, or a hybrid Brazilian butt lift with lipo.
- A choice of two minor facial surgeries, like neck lipo
- You can also get “classic Barbie hair” as well as pink nails and teeth whitening.
- There’s also an option for a labiaplasty to get your lady bits looking like Barbie.
Guys aren’t being left out here, there’s a package for them, too, called “The Ken” that includes body lipo, six-pack etching, fat transfer to chest, as well as jawline and cheek filler, all for $110-thousand. Transportation is even covered, as patients are chauffeured to and from surgery in a pink Corvette, but men can request a different color. “You walk out looking as close to Barbie as we could possibly do it,” Blyer says. “There’s some assembly required.”
Source: NY Post
Photo: Getty Images