That’s right – your home, and how you set it up, can have an impact on your overall health and longevity. Think about it, if you’re in a home that’s always keeping you moving, you are burning calories and keeping your metabolism working more than you may realize. This seems like a natural movement, and it is, but it still helps keep your heart healthy and your body burning fat. This all lets you feel more energetic and have a clearer mind.
So how should you set your house up to help your longevity and health? Follow these tips.
- Have only one TV in your home.
- Replace power tools with hand tools.
- Grow and maintain your own garden or plants.
- Welcome a dog into your family.
- Own a bike.
- Create an indoor exercise area.
- Place cushions on the floor.
- Create a family “pride shrine” area or wall that displays your accomplishments.
- Create a destination room.
- Disconnect your garage door opener.
Source: MindBodyGreen
Photo: Getty Images