Daylight Saving Time Can Be A Literal Headache

As we gear up to 'fall back' and adjust our clocks for Daylight Saving Time on Sunday, November 5th, it's not just the inconvenience of resetting our schedules that we should worry about. This annual time change can also be a literal headache, and experts have a good reason to back it up.

The shift in our sleep patterns brought about by Daylight Saving Time can serve as a trigger for 'cluster headaches,' particularly affecting those who are already prone to migraines. The truth is, any alteration to our circadian rhythm can set off these painful headaches, and it's not limited to just time zone changes.

So, as we prepare to turn back the clocks, it's essential to be mindful of the potential impact on our health, especially if you're someone susceptible to headaches. Daylight Saving Time is more than just an extra hour of sleep; it's a period where our bodies adjust to a new time reality, and for some, that shift can come with a literal pain in the head."


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