Study: Getting A Manicure Boosts Women’s Mental Health

Need a little pick-me-up? Go ahead and make that nail appointment, science says it’s good for you. Anyone who’s had a manicure knows it can leave you feeling relaxed and happy and previous research suggested that was a result of the feel-good effects that come from the mood-boosting brain chemicals that get released when we experience human touch.

But a new study from Japan reveals what’s really behind that boost in mood: “Superficial self-disclosure.” It’s the technical term for the light-hearted chit-chat about hobbies and other casual topics that clients do with nail techs, and it turns out, that leaves people feeling more positive emotions, more relaxed and revitalized.

The key is to keep the conversation light, as deeper discussions, especially about personal struggles and negative personality traits, had a negative effect. Study authors say their findings suggest that engaging in salon nail care, along with “light self-disclosure,” can “provide a positive boost to one’s psychological state.” It’s an easy way to prioritize self-care and maintain good mental health at the same time.

Source: NY Post

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