Survey Reveals What Keeps Americans Up At Night

Getting the right amount of quality sleep is essential to our physical, mental and emotional health, but just because we know this doesn’t mean we’re all doing it. According to a new survey of 12-hundred U.S. adults, 20% say they “rarely or never” wake up feeling well-rested.

The survey reveals Americans’ sleep habits and some of the top sources of sleep struggles:

  • Close to half (43%) have experienced insomnia in 2023 and 17% have suffered from sleep apnea.
  • The biggest concerns that are keeping people up at night are exactly the same as last year, except for number five, which was the Russia-Ukraine war. This year’s top bedtime worries are:
    • The increase in the cost of living
    • The pandemic
    • Gun violence
    • Climate Change
    • The 2024 presidential election
  • The worst sleep habits that disturb sleep are:
    • Going to bed at inconsistent times
    • Looking at screens in bed
    • Eating too much before bed
    • Falling asleep with the TV on
    • Staying up all night
  • A third of respondents don’t sleep in the same bed as their partner because of differing sleep preferences, which is known as a “sleep divorce.”
  • Another popular sleep trend is “Scandinavian sleeping,” which is when a couple shares a bed, but each partner has their own bedding instead of sharing.
  • While 59% of adults still share blankets with their partner, 41% are practicing the Scandinavian sleeping method.

Source: NY Post

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