New Laws Going Into Effect in the DMV Jan. 1

As we usher in the new year, residents in the D.C. area will experience changes in various aspects of their lives, from healthcare to environmental practices. Here's a breakdown of the notable laws going into effect on January 1, 2024, in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia.

Washington, D.C.: Expanding Access to Fertility Treatment

Starting January 1, 2024, Washington, D.C., residents covered by DC Healthcare Alliance and Medicaid will see expanded infertility health insurance coverage. Thanks to the Expanding Access to Fertility Treatment Amendment Act, individuals facing challenges in conceiving can now have their infertility diagnosis covered, along with three cycles of ovulation-enhancing drugs. In 2025, those with insurance through D.C. employers or DC Health Link will also become eligible for benefits, including diagnosis, three rounds of IVF, and support for embryo transfers to surrogates. D.C. Councilmember Christina Henderson emphasizes the importance of recognizing infertility as a medical issue and advocates for comprehensive insurance coverage.

Maryland: Minimum Wage Increase

Maryland joins the ranks of states enacting a $15 minimum wage, making it the sixth state to do so. Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage for all workers, regardless of company size, rises to $15 per hour. Notably, Montgomery County, ahead of the state, has already taken steps to increase wages. County Executive Marc Elrich expresses a desire to push the minimum wage even higher, possibly into the low $20s, emphasizing the potential positive impact on social programs.

In addition to wage changes, several jurisdictions in Maryland are implementing new laws concerning plastic bags. For instance, Prince George’s County prohibits retail establishments from providing plastic carryout bags, opting for a minimum 10-cent charge on paper or reusable bags. The City of Frederick bans single-use plastic bags at the point of sale, encouraging customers to use reusable bags.

Virginia: A Range of New Regulations

Virginia introduces several impactful regulations starting January 1, 2024:

  • Public school teachers and SOQ-funded employees will receive a 2% raise.
  • Military retirees, regardless of age, now enjoy tax-exempt status.
  • The Counseling Compact allows licensed professional counselors to practice across member states.
  • Health insurance companies must cover hearing aids for minors up to age 18.
  • Health insurance carriers are obligated to notify policyholders of changes in network status.
  • The Virginia Cannabis Control Authority takes over regulation of the state's medical cannabis program.
  • Arlington County implements an impervious surfaces tax to fund a stormwater management program, replacing the existing sanitary district tax.

Source: NBC 4

Photo: Getty

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