15-Year-Old Innovator of a Skin Cancer Treatment with a Bar of Soap

Heman Bekele, a 15-year-old from Fairfax, Virginia, has been named Time's 2024 Kid of the Year for his groundbreaking work in developing an affordable soap that could revolutionize skin cancer treatment. Inspired by his early experiences in Ethiopia, where he witnessed laborers working under the scorching sun without protection, Bekele aimed to address the dangers of prolonged UV exposure.

Bekele's innovative soap integrates imiquimod, a drug known for its tumor-fighting properties but often prohibitively expensive. His creation offers a more accessible and cost-effective way to deliver this medication, potentially saving lives by making skin cancer treatments more available, particularly in underserved communities.

Winning the 3M Young Scientist Challenge in 2023, Bekele secured $25,000 to advance his project. With guidance from Johns Hopkins University, he has been testing his soap on lab mice, moving closer to making his vision a reality. Although the road to FDA approval and widespread use may take years, Bekele’s determination and humility shine through.

As he enters his sophomore year of high school, Bekele remains focused on his goal, believing that anyone can achieve great things with dedication and creativity.

Photo: Getty

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