Toby Knapp

Toby Knapp

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#DAYLIGHTSAVINGDRAMA: The time change + the drama from last night!

Oh Daylight Saving Time... I wonder why we even need you.

Over the weekend - the rite of passage for SPRING happened in the places where time changes happen... at 2am Sunday night, it became 3am.

But... it didn't for some. It always happens for some that this whole thing slips through the cracks and over the weekend, it slipped through the cracks for a driver my daughter and I use in Boston where she goes to University. She was here for Spring Break for a few days last week, and had to catch a flight back later last evening from the airport for Boston's Logan. The driver checks in with me earlier in the morning to make sure the plans were still in place. Her flight would leave here at 8pm. She'd get there around 9:20pm. He'd be waiting to scoop her up and take her back to her dorm at Emerson College.

Well.... that's when things went a bit wiggy. And I should have known something was up.

I got her to the airport on time for her to check her bag and work security to get to her flight - which - was a bit delayed but not by much. After she had boarded, I texted the driver to let him know she was good to go and about to take off.

"Oh they're leaving early that is good to know have her text me when she lands and I will be there to meet her and get her back."

An hour or so later, as the flight is over New York State somewhere, she texts myself and the driver in our group text to let us know she's good and the flight is about 30 minutes from landing...

"Wow, that's very early I will be there no worries."

She lands. Deplanes. Goes to get her baggage. While waiting she texts to say she's landed and is waiting for her bags and will meet at the pickup spot. The time was like 9:45.

"OH MY GOSH you are very early I thought the flight was landing at 9:20 I am 25 minutes away I will be there as soon as I can," the driver says to which I say, "It is 9:45..."

He replies it is 8:45... I am sorry I didn't know they were so early.

I go "they're not early. The time change happened. Spring Forward."

Silence. He was rushing to get her.

Eventually, about an hour or so after landing and getting her luggage, she made it back to her dorm, and the driver was profusely apologetic in my messages. Who am I to judge, however, I'm the poster boy for not being on time... so I totally forgave him for it and let him know stuff... happens.

But wow. What a Daylight Debacle.

Anyone else have anything like this happen? Smack that talkback button and tell me your story... I can't wait to hear it and remember, this is a judgement free zone!

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