CHILLI'S BLOG: Our Socially Distant Bubble at the Beach

If you read my previous blog, then you know I have been living with anxiety most of my adult life. I have learned to cope with it...but the pandemic (and everything else 2020 has brought our way) has taken my anxiety to new heights. It’s been overwhelming to say the least. 

Before COVID, we had planned to take a trip to Lewes Beach. We started going to Lewes a few years ago because it’s quiet...and the water is perfect for young kids. We stay at the same townhome community on the beach. It’s perfect. We usually go with family and create amazing memories. We knew that wasn’t going to happen this year. 

A few weeks ago, we had to make a decision. Do we go (without family) and recreate our quarantine bubble at the beach…or do we cancel the trip altogether? I talked to my therapist and she said a change of scenery would do we kept our plans. That’s when my anxiety went into overdrive. The “beach bubble” prep was in full force. 

Even though the rental company said they were doing extra disinfecting in the beach house, I packed my own cleaning supplies. I also packed all our own bedding...and extra sheets to throw over every couch. As soon as we walked into the house, I opened windows to air it out (while I “Lysol-ed”) everything. I had pre-planned our menu for the week, so we didn’t have to do take-out or delivery. I made breakfast, lunch and dinner the entire week, so we never had to leave.

Since we had stayed at this private beach community before, we knew it wasn’t going to be crowded. We practically had the beach to ourselves until about 2pm every day. Even when other families did come down...they were YARDS away. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t anxious. I was still nervous even with them being that far away (irrational thoughts are part of my existence). I missed having my family around. However, Donato’s endless smiles and laughter were the medicine my soul needed. He had such a great time...and never complained that we didn’t leave the beach house. Our bubble on the beach was a nice change from our bubble at home.

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