An eight-year-old Ohio boy ended up having an Unhappy Meal -- after cops pulled him over for borrowing his dad's van and driving it to McDonald's because he wanted a cheeseburger.
The lad admitted he'd never been behind the wheel of anything bigger than his bicycle, but said he learned the basics by watching some videos on YouTube before hitting the road -- with his four-year-old sister in the passenger's seat. He pulled up to the drive-thru window to place his order, using change he'd taken out of his piggy bank, but the employee on duty thought she was being pranked, then called cops to come and check out the situation.
The boy navigated the trip perfectly, not hitting a single thing on his way to the restaurant, and didn't earn any punishment from authorities or his folks. He also got that cheeseburger, and some McNuggets for his sis -- free of charge. (Lorain Morning Journal)