On Saturday, I decided to rent some movies. I jumped online and reserved 2 from Redbox ("Beauty & The Beast" and "Mother's Day", in case you were curious). I go to Giant to pick them up...and can't find my debit card in my purse (I have a BAD habit of just tossing it in and not putting it in my wallet). Soooooo, I drive home, thinking I had left the card on my dresser. I get home, look...and the card is nowhere to be found. So I empty out my purse, and lo and behold: my card was stuck inside my day planner. Sigh...
I get back in the car and head back to Giant. I swipe my card at the Redbox, and get this message: We don't have a reservation for you. I say to myself: HUH? So, I check the confirmation email on my phone...and I was at the WRONG Giant!
At this point, I was about to say "Screw it!" and go home...but I really wanted to watch the movies. So I get BACK in the car and head 3 miles down Rockville Pike to the right store.
I am SUCH a moron sometimes!!!
photo: Redbox on Facebook