When I woke up this morning, turned on "Good Morning America" and saw the breaking news...my jaw dropped. I was stunned. Immediately heartbroken and sick to my stomach. As I write this, at least 50 people are dead and hundreds injured, after a man opened fire from 32 floors up on those attending the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas, a gathering of Country music fans. It's the largest, deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.
At this point, why he did it is unknown. No word on a motive. And what infuriates me is that these music lovers went to Vegas for a weekend of singing along to those songs and artists they love so much. They went there to dance, and unwind from the stress of life. To make memories with their friends. I am sure that NO ONE at that festival thought that it would be the last concert they would ever attend. That a madman would open fire and begin shooting into the crowd. Family members never imagined that their loved ones who went to Vegas for the weekend wouldn't return home. Instead, so many are now dead and injured, and thousands of people experienced an unimaginable level of fear. They may never recover from the horror they witnessed.
Music is supposed to bring us together and heal us when times are tough. From now on, when people hear a Jason Aldean song, will they always think of the Vegas massacre? I surely hope not, but I think it will be difficult not to. Will people stop going to concerts out of fear that something similar could happen? I pray not. While this was not a terrorist attack, we can't stop doing what we love. We have to go on living...and LOVING each other.
Today...if for one day only...can we please just be kind to each other???
Do something nice for a stranger. Thank a 1st Responder by buying him or her a cup of coffee, or pay for the person behind you in line. Prove that (most) humans are loving and compassionate.
It's clear that the gunman had mental issues because no sane person would commit such a heinous act. Which brings up other topics that I won't go into right now.
Just...please...be loving.