Ok, so...yesterday, on Father's Day, we had decided to host some friends (shoutout to you guys, Scott and Maria, and thanks for ALL your help!)...we were gonna sit outside and enjoy the weather and pick some crabs for the first time this year. As we were in the yard doing our preparations, I noticed that one of our alpacas, Pinafore, was lying off by herself, which is unusual...pacas are very much pack animals and tend to stick together. And that "isolating" behavior is typical of a paca that is about to deliver a baby.
But here's the thing...we had thought Pinny was pregers...and we thought she had miscarried, about a month ago, after we found a "blob", if you will, in our yard. Turns out, that was the placenta from one of other girls who had given birth that day (you have to understand, we are still kinda newbies when it comes to raising these animals so we don't really know everything and how things work). So, not knowing then what we know now, we assumed Pinny was no longer with child. She still looked bigger than the rest of our girls, but she wasn't exhibiting the behaviors that a soon-to-be paca mommy displays.
So, yesterday, as I saw Pinny all by herself, my Spidey Sense amped up and I said to John, "Something tells me she's still pregnant and is close to having a baby". John gathered up his birthing kit...our friends came over...we ate, all while keeping an eye on Pinny...we finished up and decided to set up shop in the backyard/on the "farm", and just observe Pinafore. Shortly afterward, we noticed a mucous-type substance coming out of her "lady area"...then some blood...then the beginnings of the placenta. And before we knew it, out came a head and 2 legs! John and Scott donned some gloves and helped bring the baby out...and lo and behold, we now have our second male alpaca baby in the span of just over a month! And not surprisingly, we have given him a "Game of Thrones"-inspired moniker...here's "Tormund"!