Jenni Chase

Jenni Chase

Jenni Chase wasn’t born in Texas, but as the saying goes, she got there as fast as she could. Her 30-year radio career began in college at Texas A&M...Full Bio


It's National Flip Flop Day - why we shouldn't wear 'em

Nothing says summer like flip flops, and while they’re great poolside or at the beach, you shouldn’t wear them all day, every day. Here’s why:

They're hard on your toes: In order to keep flip flops on, you need to constantly be gripping the sandals with your toes. Doing that a lot can lead to nasty and painful ailments like hammer toe, Achilles tendon problems, and plantar fasciitis.

They make you walk slower: Not good if you are in a rush. Studies have shown when you wear flip flops you take shorter strides than if you are in shoes that are securely on your foot.

They mess with your posture: Because they lack proper arch support you stand differently when wearing them. That means your hip and back alignment can be altered. If you have back or posture problems you don’t want to wear flip flops for long periods of time

They can make bunions worse: There isn’t much cushion on the bottom of a flip flop, so all that weight and pressure hitting your big toe can aggravate pre-existing conditions and make them worse.

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